Over 84,000 Malaysians Appeal for Haj Slots, Government Awaits Response


Malaysia has received 84,000 haj appeals, with 80,000 ready to pay. The government awaits Saudi’s decision.

Tabung Haji 84,000 Appeal for Haj Slots as Malaysia Seeks More Quota

KUALA LUMPUR: The Lembaga Tabung Haji (TH) has received 84,000 appeals from individuals seeking to secure vacant haj slots, says Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs), Datuk Dr Mohd Na’im Mokhtar.

Out of these, 80,000 applicants have expressed their readiness to cover the full cost of the pilgrimage.

Most Pilgrims Confirmed for Haj

According to the minister, 91% of the total 31,600 approved pilgrims have confirmed their haj travel plans, with flight schedules already distributed to them.

“The response has been encouraging, with 91% of those selected confirming their travel.

“We are hopeful that the Saudi government will grant us an additional 10,000 haj slots,” he stated.

Malaysia Awaits Response on Additional Quota

Speaking at an event under the Rahmah Madani Ramadan programme on Thursday (March 13), Mohd Na’im mentioned that a request for more slots has been submitted to the Saudi authorities.

“We have yet to receive confirmation on whether we will be granted the additional quota,” he said.

relevant news: HERE

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